Welcome to MyST-NB-Bokeh’s documentation

Welcome to MyST-NB-Bokeh’s documentation#

This extension provides an interface to glue and paste Bokeh figures in the output of Jupyter Notebook cells when using the MyST-NB library for Sphinx.

MyST-NB can already display Bokeh figures in its built output, using functionality built-in to Bokeh. For more information about this, see the MyST-NB documentation. However, gluing and pasting Bokeh figures (for example, into a MyST Figure directive) is not possible with the base MyST-NB package.

That’s where this extension comes in 😀


MyST-NB-Bokeh can be installed with pip or conda. Python versions higher than 3.10 are supported.

python -m pip install myst-nb-bokeh


conda install -c conda-forge myst-nb-bokeh

MyST-NB-Bokeh supports version 1.0.0 of MyST-NB. Older versions have not been tested, but we guess that anything 0.14.0 and higher should work.

Indices and tables#